We're statics/the static system! traumagenic system of 19-ish

> collective pronouns are they/them
> body is 22
> fictive heavy

> we're pretty open to most (reasonable) questions!> that being said, we aren't really obviously a system anywhere on social media. it's not something we hide, but we are lowkey about it for our general ease of mind lol> all of us reclaim and use the word queer and can't tag it> please do not fucking talk to us about syscourse please for the love of god we are so tired of seeing it

  • DO:

  • ask who is fronting

  • ask pronouns

  • DON'T:

  • fakeclaim us

  • ask us to fakeclaim another system


> usual criteria (lgbtphobic, racist, etc. if you're a bigot gtfo how'd you even get this far lol)
> transmeds/truscum
> terfs/radfems
> exclusionists of any kind
> proshippers/anti-antis
> trump supporters
> if you heavily participate in syscourse, fakeclaiming, or making/sharing "disorder cringe" content


Clover / Murt [🌺]

> She/They
> 20
> Transfem Agender
> Host and introject

Dismas []

> He/Him
> 20
> Transmasc
> Host, protector, introject

Murrit [🎲]

> Any except she/her (he/him main)
> 21
> Masc Nonbinary
> Host, introject

Other System Members

not everyone is listed here for privacy reasons

Albion []

> They/She
> Mid-twenties
> Fem Nonbinary
> ISH, caretaker, introject

Alonzo [🐊]

> He/Him
> 40-ish
> Trans Man
> Introject

Arcjec [🐀]

> They/He
> 18-19
> Agender/Masc Nonbinary
> Introject

Blue [🔵]

> They/Them
> 19
> Transmasc Nonbinary
> Introject, trauma holder

Leo [🍉]

> He/Him
> 20s
> Transmasc Whatever
> Emotional protector